Khamis, Ogos 16, 2007

The Best Stuff or Thing In The World

Saya telah menemui sebuah laman web yang bodoh! Isi kandungannya kelakar, faktanya tidak begitu tepat. Barangkali laman web ini adalah untuk suka-suka sahaja. Antara petikan yang kelakar di dalam blog ini:

Website Of The Day:
Category: Hilarious/Funny (A bit stupid) Website

Zombie: One-hundred thirty-two people think this is the best friend in the world.

Zombies are slow and stupid. They are an ominous threat that people can utilize for venting frustration and anger. If you uppercut a zombie, you don’t have to apologize. Don’t feel bad; the zombie will have eaten you if you don’t protect yourself. You can cut a zombie in half, and you won’t hurt their feelings! Nobody else will care about them either, even if it’s their mum. Can’t live with zombies, can’t live without them.

Captain Jack Sparrow: One-hundred sixteen people think this is the Best Product of an Overactive Imagination

“But why is the rum gone!?” Jack Sparrow (played by Johnny Depp) of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise is another breakout character! Originally one of many primary characters in an ensemble cast, Jack Sparrow’s popularity led to a restructuring of the franchise around his character. The theme park ride was overhauled to feature him, and the 2nd movie in the series was promoted with the phrase “Jack is back”.

Johnny Deep, Angelina Jolie dan Kevin Smith antara nama-nama popular yang disebut-sebut dalam laman web ini. Hm... Kebetulan saya suka watak Captain Jack Sparrow yang kelakar dalam Pirates Of Carribeans dan begitu juga Angelina Jolie.

Kesimpulannya, laman web ini tetap sebuah laman web yang telah diperbodoh-bodohkan.