Isnin, Oktober 17, 2011

Pheonix Jones - Identiti Sebenar Wajah Muka Adiwira


SEATTLE, Amerika Syarikat - Seorang lelaki yang memakai kostum adi wira ciptaannya untuk menjaga ketenteraman akhirnya mendedahkan mukanya di dalam sebuah mahkamah di sini pada Khamis lalu. Dia membuka topengnya selepas diarahkan oleh beberapa pegawai mahkamah yang membicarakan kes dia menyembur serbuk lada kepada empat orang lelaki pada Ahad lalu. Lelaki itu sebelum ini terkenal dengan panggilan adi wira Phoenix Jones. Nama sebenarnya ialah Benjamin John Francis Fodor. Menurutnya, dia cuba untuk meleraikan satu pergaduhan apabila dia diserang dalam kejadian tersebut. Namun, pendakwa raya memberitahu hakim, mereka memerlukan masa untuk memutuskan sama ada akan memfailkan dakwaan dalam kes berkenaan. Dia memakai semula topeng muka itu selepas perbicaraan tersebut. Namun, semasa berdepan dengan pemberita, dia menanggalkan semula topengnya untuk mendedahkan identiti dirinya. Menurutnya, dia merupakan seorang bapa dan mempunyai seorang adik lelaki. "Saya memutuskan untuk membuat perubahan dan menghentikan jenayah di dalam kawasan perumahan saya," katanya. - Agensi

Phoenix Jones[1][2] (born Benjamin John Francis Fodor, 1988)[3] is the leader of a ten-member citizen crime-prevention patrol group who call themselves the Rain City Superhero Movement[4], operating out of Seattle and Lynnwood, Washington. In a CBS news broadcast, Jones is shown entering a back room of an unnamed comic book store in which he changes into costume which consists of a Dragon Skin bulletproof vest[5] and stab plating, as well as a stun baton and oleoresin capsicum/tear gas personal defense spray.[6] Jones says he wanted to become a superhero after a few incidents changed his mind about Seattle. The first involved a friend getting assaulted outside a bar, and left with permanent facial damage. “And I thought, why didn’t someone help him? There were seventy people outside that bar and no one did anything."[2] Later, someone broke into his car and his son was injured by the broken glass. His son had to spend the night in the ER and get stitches. Jones was later told that several people saw the break-in happen, but didn’t do anything. Jones says the best way to prevent getting mistaken for a criminal by the police is to wear a supersuit.[7] He says that all members of the Rain City Superhero Movement have a military and/or mixed martial arts background.[8] He does not condone other people dressing up and fighting crime. While some have described Jones and his cohorts as vigilantes, their activities more resemble citizen block-watch patrols, in that they are not meting out punishment but rather defusing violence until the police arrive.