Rabu, September 24, 2008

Iklan Perkhidmatan Tutor, Private Tutor, Pengajar, Guru, Cikgu Tuisyen Diiktiraf, Sepenuh Masa dan Separuh Masa di seluruh Malaysia dan Singapura.

Are we a tuition centre?

No. We are not a tuition centre. We are a home tuition agency that helps tuition teachers to find students. We are your agent to help you find students.

Where is the location of the tuition class?
The student's house. You can choose the area you prefer during your registration process. However, if you conduct group tuitions at your house, we can help you to find students to join your class too.

What are the subjects and levels that I need to teach?

You can choose the teaching subject during the registration process. For example, if you prefer to teach UPSR BM, you can select it in the registration form. We will only arrange students who need tutors for UPSR BM for you.

When is the tuition time?
It's flexible. You can choose the tuition time during your registration process. For example, if you are only free on weekends, then we will only arrange students for you during the weekends.

How many students do I need to teach in a class?
This is a 1-to-1 tuition. Normally you only have to teach one student. However, sometimes we will offer some group tuition from tuition centre.

Do I need to pay for registering myself as a tutor?

No. Registration is totally free. You wouldn’t be charged a single cent until you accept our tuition offer.

Do I need to pay Home Tuition Care when I accept the tuition offer?

Yes. We only charge first 2 weeks' tuition fees as minimum commission for long term class. We will not charge any commission for the subsequent weeks or months. ( eg: If monthly tuition fees is RM300, the commission fees is RM150 )

How do I make the payment?

We will collect commission fees from the parents directly after your class has started for two weeks. The tuition fees for the first two weeks is equivalent to 50% of the commission.

How do I receive my tuition fees?

The parents pay directly to you except for the tuition fees for first two weeks of your class. They would normally pay at the end of every month after finishing the class

How do I register as a tutor?

Visit The Official Website: Click here

When I register, am I an employee of Home Tuition Care?

No. Home Tuition Care is only providing tuition matching services and is not responsible for the services provided by tutors. Each tutor is solely responsible to pay all taxes on income earned, and all other issues and responsibilities related to tutoring.

When and how will I receive my first tuition offer?

We will call you for any offer, but we can't say for sure when you can receive your first offer. Some tutors get the first offer few days after they have registered, some tutors never get any offer from us. It is largely depends on your qualification, experience, and expected tuition rate. Experienced tutors who are able to teach in major towns with a lower rate are more likely to receive their first offer sooner.

Can I change my mind after I have accepted the offer?
We will offer tuition classes to you. You can decide whether to accept the offer or reject it. Please note that you should only accept our offer and confirm to take the tuition class if you are serious. If you change your mind after we have recommended you to our parents, legal actions will be taken.

How much referral fees I get if I were to recommend parents to Home Tuition Care?

You will get a 10% referral fees out of the first month tuition fees if the tuition job successfully assigned to a suitable tutor.

What should I do if I do not receive any offer for a long time?

Here are some suggestions:
- Become a verified tutor.
- Update your profile from time to time
- Provide us with more detail for 'self description'
- Reduce your expected tuition rate

Does Home Tuition Care provides me any tuition material?
No. You are responsible to prepare the notes, text book, and all the teaching materials just as professional tutors would. You can claim the exercise book's money from the parents if they agree.

Visit Home Tuition Care Website:

Home Tuition in Singapore & Malaysia
Singapore and Malaysia Home Tuition available for any level, subject, area. Thousands of experienced & qualified tutors available here. Tutors wanted too!

Translation(Terms) : English to Bahasa Melayu (BM)
Education = Pendidikan | Study = Belajar | Teach, Teaching = Mengajar, Memberi Pengajaran | Tuition = Tuisyen | Tuition Centre = Pusat Tuisyen | Student = Pelajar | Fees = Yuran Pembelajaran | Personal/ Private Tuition = Tiusyen, Tusyen, Tuisen, Tiusen, Tuisyan, Tiusyan, Tusyan Peribadi | Home Tutoring, Private Tuition, Private Tutoring = Tuisyen Di Rumah, Tuisyen Swasta | Group Lesson Tuition = Tutoring on the basis of one tutor catering to several students | Tuition Class = Kelas Tuition | Tutors, Tuition Teachers = Guru Sekolah, Cikgu Sekolah, Pengajar Tuisyen, Guru Tuisyen, Cikgu Tuisyen | Private Tutors, Personal Tutors, Individual Tutors, One-to-one Tutors, 1-to-1 Tutors, Group Tutors, Small Group Tutors, Private Teachers, Personal Teachers, Individual Teachers, One-to-one Teachers, 1-to-1 Teachers, Group Teachers, Small Group Teachers, Private Tuition Teachers, Personal Tuition Teachers, Individual Tuition Teachers, One-to-one Tuition Teachers, 1-to-1 Tuition Teachers, Group Lessons Tuition Teachers, Small Group Freelance Tuition Teachers = Pengajar Di Rumah, Pengajar Swasta, Pengajar Peribadi, Pengajar Persendirian, Pengajar Perseorangan, Guru Di Rumah, Guru Swasta, Guru Peribadi, Guru Persendirian, Guru Perseorangan, Cikgu Di Rumah, Cikgu Swasta, Cikgu Peribadi, Cikgu Persendirian, Cikgu Perseorangan | University Putra Malaysia (UPM) = Universiti Putra Malaysia | University Science Malaysia (USM) = Universiti Sains Malaysia | University Utara Malaysia (UUM) = Universiti Utara Malaysia | University Technology Malaysia (UTM) = Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)= Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia | University Malaysia Sabah (Unimas) = Universiti Malaysia Sabah | Open University Malaysia (OUM) = Universiti Terbuka Malaysia | International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) = Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia | University Malaysia (UM) = Universiti Malaya | University Technology Mara (UITM) = Universiti Teknologi Mara (UITM) | Educational University Sultan Idris = Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris | Tuition Centres, Tutorial Centers, Tutorial Centres, Tuition Classes, Tutorial Classes, Tutoring Classes = Pusat Tuisyen, Pusat Bimbingan, Pusat Tutorial, Kelas Tuisyen | Home Tuition Jobs, Private Tuition Jobs, Home Tutoring Jobs, Private Tutoring Jobs, Home Tuition Assignments, Private Tuition Assignments, Home Tutoring Assignments, Private Tutoring Assignments, Private Tuition Vacancies, Home Tutoring Vacancies, Private Tutoring Vacancies = Jawatan Kosong 2006 2005 Tuisyen, Pekerjaan Tuisyen, Kerja Tuisyen Tugasan Tuisyen | Home Tutees, Home tuition students; Pupils receiving home tuition from home tutors = Pelajar Tuisyen, Murid untuk Tuisyen, Penuntut Tuisyen | Tuition Teacher Vacancy = Jawatan Kosong untuk Guru Tuisyen | BM = Bahasa Melayu (BM) |, English = Bahasa Inggeris (BI) | Mathematics (Maths) = Matematik | Science = Sains | Chinese = Bahasa Cina | Additional Mathematics (Add Maths) = Matematik Tamabahan | Physics = Fizik | Chemistry = Kimia | Biology = Biologi | Accounts = Prinsip Akaun | Economics = Ekonomi Asas | Commerce = Perdagangan | Geography = Geografi | History = Sejarah | KH = Kemahiran Hidup | PA = Pengajian AM | Basic IT = Asas Penggunaan Komputer | Website Design = Mencipta Laman Website | Subjects = Subjek, Matapelajaran, mata pelajaran | Home Tuition Agency, Agencies, Agent, Agents = TuitionStudio,Tuition Studio, Tuition Plaza, TuitionPlaza,, TuitionHamster, Tuition Hamster, TuitionStreet, Tuition Street, Tuitionet | Examination = Keputusan Peperiksaan | online = melayari laman web | hire online tutor teacher = guru cikgu tuisyen online | Ministry of Education = Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia , Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia| Distance Learning College = Kolej Pemebelajaran Jarak Jauh | Child, Children = Kanak-kanak | Exam Result = Keputusan Peperiksaan | International School Malaysia = Sekolah Antarabangsa Malaysia | Mandarin Language = Bahasa Mandarin | E-learning, online tutoring = pembelajaran jarak jauh | morale = Pendidikan Moral | Geography = Geografi | History = Sejarah || International = Antarabangsa | Predicted Question = Soalan Ramalan | Private School = Sri Kdu, Sri Cahaya, Sri Aman, Sri KL, Sri Cempaka, Sri Bestari, Sri Damansara, Sri Inai | International School = ELC International School, Garden International School, Mon't Kiara International School | Primary School = Sekolah Rendah | Secondary School = Sekolah Menengah | Primary = Standard 1,2,3,4,5,6 | Secondary (Remove Class, Form 1, Form 2, Form 3, Form 4, Form 5, Form 6 ) = Sekolah Menengah (Peralihan, Tingkatan 1, Tingkatan 2, Tingkatan 3, Tingkatan 4, Tingkatan 5, Tingkatan 6) | Educational Portal = Portal Pendidikan Utusan Malaysia | Tuition Jobs = Pekerjaan Tuisyen | Agency = Agensi | Job Opportunity = Peluang Pekerjaan | UPSR = Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah | PMR = Penilaian Menengah Rendah | SPM = Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia | STPM = Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia | | Malaysia Utusan Newspaper = Utusan Malaysia Surat Khabar Akhbar| Malaysia Berita Harian = Berita Harian Malaysia Surat Khabar | Pulau Pinang = Penang | Johore = Johor | Kasturi Tution Centre = Pusat Tuisyen Kasturi | The Sun Newspaper = Suratkhabar The Sun | Private College = Kolej Swasta Inti, Taylor, Stamford, Metropolitan | | Job Vacancy = Kerja Kosong | Job Vacancy, Opportunity = Peluang Pekerjaan | SPM Tutorial = Tutorial SPM | Bahasa Melayu = Malay Language | Music = Muzik | Boarding School = Sekolah Berasrama Penuh | Technic School = Sekolah Menengah Teknik | Malaysia = Penduduk/ Rakyat Malaysia | Spotted Question = Soalan Bocor | Short Note = Nota Ringkas | | Intelek Job Agency = Agensi Pekerjaan Intelek | Exam Lembagaa Malaysia = Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia | PTK Sample Bank Question = Contoh Nota Bank Soalan PTK, Contoh Nota Peperiksaan Bank PTK | Technical School Registration Form = Borang Permohonan Sekolah Teknik | Bestari Smart School = Sekolah Bestari | School Holiday = Cuti/ Cuti-cuti Sekolah | Education Department Malaysia = Jabatab Pendidikan Malaysia, Jabatan Pelajaran Malaysia | Mental Arithmetic Centre = Pusat Mental Arithmetic | Pre-school, Preschool = Pra-Sekolah, Prasekolah | Job Vacancy 2006 = Jawatan Kosong 2006 | Teacher Educational Department (BPG) =Penempatan Bahagian Pendidikan Guru (BPG) | Jobstreet Malaysia Job Agency Website = Laman Web Agensi Pekerjaan Jobstreet di Malaysia