Blog Templates Selection For Beta Blogger 1
Free Blogger Templates In XML
There are many latest design with various theme for Blogger. Some of these sites include the widgets also. Widget is a function that is only avaiable for Beta Version. Some of the blog here avaiable for XML or older version. Even you already change to Beta version, you can still use the old template. Old template is the classic html or classic template version. You can edit that in your EDIT HTML later.
What it mean by Blogger Beta or The New Version Blogger or Blogspot? Actually the new version of Blogger or the Blogger Beta use XML to implement the new design and template. Here are some lists of the latest beautiful crafted for Blogger. Click the text to go to the sites.
Below are some of my favourite templates:

The Hobbits perhap one of the most beautiful crafted blog skin. There are more!
Also here are the Giraffe. These can be found in Beautiful Beta site.

Final Sense also included the XML version which is suitable
for Beta Blogger. Blue are simple but is one of my favourite colour,
while the Guitar looked 'veggie' to me. Final Sense offer the best
and high quality graphic for your blog template. You can even make
those background images as you desktop wallpaper!

as the main background.
the background. Stay tune and check this XML version.
Isnani is one of my most favourite blog template designer.